When you employ an advisor, you pay a fee for the service. So, you have to think about why you employ one in the first place. It’s usually because you don’t feel confident selecting investment funds or because you are seeking funds that can only be accessed by advisors. When your advisor is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, you should experience the entire financial planning process, resulting in a comprehensive financial plan. The financial plan is the guide to all of your financial decisions and helps your advisor make appropriate investment choices on your behalf. When you join Financial Navigators as our client, you receive both a comprehensive financial plan and investment management for one fee.
At FNI we charge:
1% of your assets annually, charged directly each month (1/12th of 1%) to your account so you never have to write a check. You will see these charges listed on the front page of your monthly statement. Here are the details for accounts over $1M:
1% from $0 to $1,000,000, plus
.8% from $1-$2M, plus
.7% from $2-$4M, plus
.6% above $4M.
Let’s face it, our world has become very specialized, and while you are working hard to absorb everything in your field, so are we in ours. We will work hard to earn our fee and take the worry off your hands. We are Fee-Only and NEVER collect commissions or sales prizes. Your investment funds will always be selected with your best interests in mind.